Research Detail:

Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

» Research Fields:

» Research Groups: Mobile Application ReSearch (MARS) Group

» Related Faculties:
Dr. Tanzima Hashem
Hasan Shahid Ferdous

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» Recent Publications:
1. Nazmun Naher, Tanzima Hashem, Think Ahead: Enabling Continuous Sharing of Location Data in Real-Time with Privacy Guarantee, The Computer Journal , 62(1), 1--19, 2019. [paper link]
2. Farhana Shahid, Wasifur Rahman, Anika Binte Islam, Nipi Paul, Nabila Khan, Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md Munirul Haque, A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Two Tell-tale Perspectives of PTSD: Neurobiological Abnormalities and Bayesian Regulatory Network of the Underlying Disorder in a Refugee Context, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 3(3), , 2019. [paper link]
3. Md Fazlay Rabbi Masum Billah, Muhammad Abdullah Adnan, SMARTLET: A Dynamic Architecture for Real Time Face Recognition in Smartphone Using Cloudlets and Cloud, Elsevier Journal on Big Data Research, 17(0), 45-55, 2019. [paper link]
4. Tanzima Hashem, Rubaba Hasan, Flora D. Salim, M. T. Mahin, Crowd-enabled Processing of Trustworthy, Privacy-Enhanced and Personalised Location Based Services with Quality Guarantee, Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2(4), 167:1-167:25, 2018. [paper link]
5. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, Tahmid Hasan, M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, Using Adaptive Heartbeat Rate on Long-Lived TCP Connections, IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, 26(1), 203-216, 2018. [paper link]
6. M. T. Mahin, Tanzima Hashem, Samia Kabir, A Crowd Enabled Approach for Processing Nearest Neighbor and Range Queries in Incomplete Databases with Accuracy Guarantee, Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), 39, 249-266, 2017.
7. Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, Rezwana Rafiq, Citizen Assisted Environmental Pollution Measurement in Developing Cities, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 5(1), 70-76, 2014.
8. Mohammed Eunus Ali, E. Tanin, R. Zhang, R. Kotagiri, Probabilistic Voronoi Diagrams for Probabilistic Moving Nearest Neighbor Queries, the DKE Journal (Impact Factor: 1.852)., 75, 1-33, 2012.
9. Tanzima Hashem, Lars Kulik, "Don't Trust Anyone": Privacy Protection for Location-Based Services, Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), 7(1), 44-59, 2011.
10. Mohammed Eunus Ali, R. Zhang, E. Tanin, L. Kulik, A Motion-Aware Approach for Efficient Evaluation of Continuous Queries on 3D Object Databases, VLDB Journal. (Impact Factor: 6.8)., 19(5), 603-632, 2010.
11. Rifat Shahriyar, Md. Faizul Bari, Gourab Kundu, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Md. Mostofa Akbar, Intelligent Mobile Health Monitoring System (IMHMS), International Journal of Control and Automation (IJCA), 2 (3)(3), 13-28, 2009.
12. Rifat Shahriyar, E. Hoque , S.M. Sohan, I. Naim, Md. Mostofa Akbar, M. K. Khan, Remote Controlling of Home Appliances using Mobile Telephony, International Journal of Smart Home (IJSH), 2 (3)(3), 37-54, 2008.
13. Nazia Hossain, Mahmuda Naznin, EmoVoice: Finding My Mood from My Voice Signal, ACM Ubicomp, Singapore, , , 2018. [paper link]
14. Tahsin Amin, Suraiya Taitin, Sharmin Afrose, Walid Mahmud, Mahmuda Naznin, Semantic Clustering in Human Sensored Event Detection, the 14th DCOSS, , , 2018.
15. Hafsa Zannat, Md. Shohrab Hossain, A Hybrid Framework using Markov Decision Process for Mobile Code Offloading, International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), , , 2016.
16. Mehedee Zaman, Mohammad Rakib Amin, Md. Shohrab Hossain, M. Atiquzzaman, Behavioral Malware Detection Approaches for Android, IEEE ICCC, , , 2016.
17. Mashrura Tasnim, Rifat Shahriyar, Nowshin Nahar, Hossain Mahmud, Intelligent Depression Detection and Support System: Statistical Analysis, Psychological Review and Design Implication, IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services, Healthcom, , , 2016.
18. Shamim Hasnath, Mohammed Eunus Ali, M. K. Abdullah, S. M. Farhad, AutoCadroid: An Automated Tool for Building Smartphone Indoor Navigation System, 27th Australasian Database Conference (ADC) 2016, , , 2016.
19. Mohammad Saifur Rahman, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, M. Sohel Rahman, M. Kaykobad, Using Adaptive Heartbeat rate on Long-lived TCP Connections, 2016 International Conference on Networking Systems and Security (NSysS 2016), , 16-24, 2016. [paper link]
20. T. Ahmed, M. Basak, T. Sen, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, Simplified Processing of Video Data for Street Sensing Applications, 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision(ICIEV), , June, 2015.
21. Mohammed Eunus Ali, Shabnam Basera Rishta, Lazima Ansari, Tanzima Hashem, Ahamad Imtiaz Khan, SafeStreet: empowering women against street harassment using a privacy-aware location based application, 7h International Conference on Informatio and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), , 24:1-24:4, 2015.
22. N. Saquib, M. T. I. Papon, I. Ahmad, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Measurement of Heart Rate Using Photoplethysmography, The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security, , , 2015. [paper link]
23. M. T. I. Papon, I. Ahmad, N. Saquib, A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman, Non-invasive Heart Rate Measuring Smartphone Applications using On-board Cameras: A Short Survey, The 1st International Conference on Networking Systems and Security, , , 2015. [paper link]
24. Sadia Shamma, Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, Towards Privacy-aware Photo Sharing using Mobile Phones, ICECE, , , 2014.
25. Mohammed Eunus Ali, Tanzima Hashem, Anika Anwar, Lars Kulik, Ishrat Ahmed, Egemen Tanin, Protecting mobile users from visual privacy attacks, the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp Adjunct, , 13-17, 2014.
26. Tanzima Hashem, Mohammed Eunus Ali, Lars Kulik, Egemen Tanin, Anthony Quattrone, Protecting Privacy for Group Nearest Neighbor Queries with Crowdsourced Data and Computing, the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), , , 2013.
27. S. Masud, F. M. Choudhury, Mohammed Eunus Ali, S. Nutanong, Maximum Visibility Queries in Spatial Databases, ICDE, , , 2013.
28. Tanzima Hashem, Lars Kulik, Rui Zhang, Privacy preserving group nearest neighbor queries, 3rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), , 489-500, 2010.
29. Rifat Shahriyar, E. Hoque, S. M. Sohan, I. Naim, Md. Mostofa Akbar, Controlling Remote Systems Using Mobile Telephony, 1st International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications, Mobilware 2008, , , 2008.
30. Tanzima Hashem, Lars Kulik, Safeguarding Location Privacy in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), , 372-390, 2007.